Art commissions by


Current commission status:

Hello! My name is Shadow! Welcome to my commission info page. If you're interested in commissioning me, make sure you check this page before contacting me.

For inquiries, email me at:
[email protected]

My public commissions queue can be found on my Trello board.

Terms of Service

Hello, and welcome to my terms of service! Here, I will outline prices, rules, and the general do’s and don’ts for commissioning me.By commissioning me, you agree that you have read these pages and you agree to these rules. Failure to do so may result in having your commission denied or canceled and refunded. You may also be blacklisted from commissioning me in the future if you break these rules.This TOS is subject to change for any reason, at any time.

General Terms

  • Please provide visual references for the character(s) you are wanting me to draw. I have difficulty working with written references, so I require visual ones. This can range from a pre-established reference of your character, to photos of inspiration, even MS paint scribbles! As long as I have some sort of visual reference, I can possibly work from it. This includes any specific poses you want your character doing.

  • Please DO NOT send me NSFW references.

  • Do not complain about my prices. If I do not fit within your budget, please wait until you have the money to do so.

  • Unless I completely missed or forgot a part of your character, I will only do up to 3 minor revisions to your commission. Past that, I will ask for an extra fee.

  • Please only contact me through my email. Do not ask for my Discord or any other personal form of contact.

  • I reserve the right to deny your commission for any reason.


This section lists stuff that I will and will not draw. Things under the “Will not draw” category are non-negotiable. This list is not exhaustive and I may deny something if I'm not familiar or comfortable with it. Just check with me about it!

Will draw:

  • Original characters/Fan characters

  • Humans/humanoids

  • Furries/anthros/animals

  • Pokemon

Will not draw:

  • NSFW. This also includes any kinks/fetishes, even if the character is fully clothed or no bits are showing.

  • Fetishization. For example, please don’t ask me to draw a female character with ridiculously and unrealistically oversized breasts. Also includes underaged characters that I suspect may be fetishized.

  • Gore. Blood is okay as long as it’s not excessive and the wounds are not too extreme.

  • Drug use/drug paraphernalia.

  • Mecha/robo, or characters with rigid geometry/body parts in general.

  • Anything having to do with hate speech or other harmful language/actions, such as slurs, “hate art,” or Nazi imagery/gestures.

  • Portaits of real people. I am more of a character artist, so this is not my strong suit.

  • I will not imitate someone else’s art style.

DO NOT CONTACT ME if you are:

  • A pedophile, MAP/NOMAP, PEAR, etc

  • A Neo-Nazi, a white supremacist, alt-right, a nationalist, a traditionalist, etc

  • Racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, antisemetic, bigoted in general

  • Someone who deals with NFTs, crypto currency, and/or AI “art”


Prices are in USD. Payment is done through PayPal only. I currently do not accept any other form of payment. If you reside in a country outside of the U.S., please make sure you calculate from your currency to the equivalent amount in USD.I require payment before starting on commissions. Payments are done through PayPal invoice only. Payment may be split if the commission is substantially expensive ($200+) and you are unable to pay all of it upfront. A down payment of at least 20%-30% of the total upfront, and the remaining over the time I am working on the commission, or when I finish. If you need to split the payment, you must let me know when discussing the commission. The full image will not be released to you until I receive the full payment, however.


Once I receive payment, I will begin working on a base sketch to flesh out generally what you would like. Slight changes at your discretion are done at this stage. Once you approve of the sketch, I will begin working on it until it is finished.
I can send progress shots once every day or two, if I have worked on it in that time.
Depending on the type of commission you order, and how many commission slots I have filled, it could take anywhere from a few days, up to a few weeks, possibly even more. If you need your commission done by a certain time, you must let me know ahead of time. Rush orders are subject to an extra fee.For commissions that you need done by a certain time, such as a gift for someone’s birthday or a holiday, I need AT LEAST 2-3 weeks warning. There are no extra charges for a commission such as this.
A rush order, however, is something you need done in a week or less. This mostly applies to larger pieces, and the more complicated/detailed they are, the larger of a fee I will charge. I may also charge more if I need to set other commissions aside that I might be working on at the same time.

Privacy Policy

I will never give out your personal information to anyone. The name attached to your PayPal, credit/debit card, etc, stays private, and I will never call you by it if you prefer to either go by an online moniker, or if the name attached is one given to you at birth that you no longer use (otherwise known as a “deadname”). Likewise, I expect those who commission me to extend the same courtesy to me. Please only call me Shadow.


Refunds are given based on the type of commission I am doing for you, and how much progress I have made on it. Refunds will not be given for commissions that are completed. Sketch-only commissions will not be refunded either, unless I haven’t started on it.You must let me know if you require a refund, and I will send it to you.
If you file for a chargeback against me, especially after your commission is completed, you will be blocked on appropriate platforms and blacklisted from commissioning me ever again.

ProgressAmount refunded
Nothing started100%


All prices are in USDThese prices do not account for Paypal fees, or any other fees such as extra characters or backgrounds.Extra characters are +50% of the base fee, per character.
Backgrounds may be up to double the base fee, depending on detail or complexity.


Sketch: $15
Flats: $20
Full color: $35


Sketch: $20
Flats: $30
Full color: $45

Full body

Sketch: $30
Flats: $40
Full color: $70